But I think I also detect a twinge of guilt in your aside that here is a back-formation you have judged acceptable at last.
Traveling with Del had made me aware of certain Southron customs that were not judged acceptable by other cultures.
Fifty-two designs were submitted, but none were judged acceptable.
The swords were judged acceptable.
This was not judged acceptable.
Robinson's dark green outfit had been judged perfectly acceptable by the Vatican.
It was equipped with a modulated pneumatic braking system that was judged acceptable in 1952 but later declared outdated in the 1960s.
I had serious doubts as to whether the image would even be judged technically acceptable for publishing.
It was judged acceptable, yet aroused considerable criticism, not least because no women religious had been consulted in its drafting.
Still, the trade-off was judged acceptable: The radar and SAMs would be killed before they could react to any warning.