Brashen's jubilant voice sounded as if he were standing alongside Amber.
The robins were singing vespers in the high treetops, filling the golden air with their jubilant voices.
As Tarma stared, still too numb to move, she could hear the jubilant voice of the Warrior singing in her mind.
The otb en behind her joined in the race and sooa they were all flying toward Askelon* their jubilant voices ringing through the dells.
I sought it long, but never found; The choir so full was and so strong The jubilant voices there, they drowned My simple song.
There were many voices, jubilant and angry at the same time, infused with the bloodlust and the animalistic thrill of war.
"I think we'd better follow her," Jules said in a more restrained but still jubilant voice, "before she hurts herself."
Neither Pearl nor Bump made any effort to walk softly or to lower their jubilant voices.
The Ephogers confirmed it with jubilant voices and hastened their steps.
"Of course it worked," Rhodar replied, his voice also jubilant.