The mountains rang back the joyous sound as the Atans greeted her.
Tomas stood quietly for a moment, then threw back his head and laughed, a clear, joyous sound.
A deafening roar reverberated through the room as all the Familiar shouted at once with a joyous sound.
A sharp pain stabbed deep into his heart when he heard the joyous sound.
The old lady made a little joyous sound and sprang with surprizing energy out of her chair.
It filled the ballroom with its joyous sound.
Soon enough, he was treated to a joyous sound.
It was such a delightful, joyous sound, Harry wanted to giggle with her.
There were faraway excited echoes from up ahead - joyous sounds of greeting.
Sage laughed, a joyous tinkling sound that nearly drew a smile from me.