"Forward to the final victory," chanted the joyous crowd.
Fonzie announces to a joyous crowd that enough money has been raised to save Arnold's.
After a 20-gun salute and a military parade, he addressed the joyous crowd that thronged the castle courtyard.
Throwing down weapons and unbuckling their helms, they approached her litter in a single joyous crowd.
Rheims opens wide its gates; The joyous crowds pour forth to meet their king.
The joyous crowd called out toasts and salutes to peace.
David left Joe's side and worked his way through the joyous crowd of guests to where Debra waited for him.
"I'll always be your friend," the Saw Doctors sang to a joyous crowd.
Disembarking, the men found no chance for gloom, with a joyous crowd growing thicker by the moment around the ships.
It sounded as if a joyous crowd was pouring out into the streets around the palace to welcome the arrival of their glorious new Master.