The score abounds with joyous choruses for cavorting nymphs and shepherds and wondrous music that conjures murmuring streams and wafting winds.
Then the quartet began to sing a hit song by Jackie Wilson, joining in a joyous chorus, "Your love keeps lifting me, keeps on lifting me, keeps on lifting me, higher and higher."
On a lighter note, an oversized woman's head, lying on its side, is entitled "Caldonia," recalling Louis Jordan's early R & B hit, with its absurdly joyous chorus of "Caldonia!
Packed with joyous choruses that worm their way into your memory.
When the band broke into the opening chords of "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow," the anthem of Bill's 1992 campaign, the crowd erupted in a loud, joyous and off-key chorus wailing the refrain.
Squadron after squadron picked up the joyous chorus as they wound down the escarpment.
Hearing that joyous chorus from the "Messiah" sung from a Broadway stage was a strange, spine-tingling pleasure, and one that I expect won't be repeated anytime soon.
When she went out the sparrows were twittering merrily in joyous choruses.
As we climbed the narrow stairs, a joyous chorus erupted from below.
This was intended by the composer to be the first time the plucky siblings appear with other children, who join them in a joyous chorus.