Football offered the only joyful release for the prisoners.
Gregory Benford Toby felt a joyful release, an eagerness to see them all.
Since Ms. Ciulla has been acting loony throughout, there is every reason to believe that, at last, the character is getting her deserved mad scene, not one of joyful release.
Yet by virtue of her fearless self-exposure, she has the knack of making you an accomplice to her radical naughtiness, of turning wickedness into a grotesque thrill, a joyful release (1:40).
The second they free their hands from strollers and diaper bags - the moment they sit on the playground bench - they light up with a joyful release: "Ahh . . . cigarrette, beautiful cigarette!"
After all, in the discussions to which I have just referred, Freud maintains that essential to the manic state is a temporary fusion between the ego and the superego and a resulting reduction in tension which allows a joyful release of the energies previously bound up in their antagonism.
Mr. Mandela also said soccer offered the "only joyful release" on Robben Island, where he was a political prisoner.
Ho, old spell-maker, do you feel no joyful release from the cares of the court out here amidst the beauties of nature?
Yet through her fearless self-exposure, accentuated by her amazing get-ups, including a see-through gown that clings to her slinky cheetah's frame, she has the knack of making you an accomplice to her radical naughtiness, as she turns wickedness into a grotesque thrill, a joyful release.
The accident that killed the two children came at the peak of the West Indian American Carnival parade, a festival that offers the city's West Indian immigrants a joyful release from the activities of daily life.