Judging from surveys and interviews of editors around the country, in the last 10 months many newspapers have instituted safeguards against journalistic fraud.
Shattered Glass is based on the real events of journalist Stephen Glass' career at The New Republic during the mid-1990s and his fall when his widespread journalistic fraud is exposed.
But the tightening of procedures and the revamping of newsroom culture initiated over the past three years make such an extensive journalistic fraud much less likely to occur again at the paper.
So concerns about journalistic fraud should emerge sooner.
A staff reporter for The New York Times committed frequent acts of journalistic fraud while covering significant news events in recent months, an investigation by Times journalists has found.
And he said he would be meeting individually with members of an investigative team that produced a four-page report in the Sunday paper detailing journalistic fraud by the reporter, Jayson Blair.
"We are resolved to do all that we can to learn from this tragedy and prevent any similar instances of journalistic fraud in the future," they wrote.
In it he chronicled the rapid rise of Stephen Glass' journalistic career at The New Republic during the mid-1990s and his steep fall when his widespread journalistic fraud was exposed.
The site uncovered Stephen Glass' journalistic fraud in The New Republic in 1998, an article that drew attention to internet journalism.
Stephen Glass (class of 1990) is a former reporter at The New Republic who became notorious for his journalistic fraud.