Opposition to the program is also beginning to grow in political, journalistic and ecological circles.
The book met with mixed reviews in journalistic circles.
There was a small commando squad of what were known in journalistic and welfare circles as "Marduc's young men."
The meltdown was major in political and journalistic circles, with copies of the videotape making brisk rounds.
A cry went up, especially in journalistic circles, for the culprits to be found, tried, convicted and hanged.
So look past this season's hand-wringing in journalistic circles.
She was well-known in journalistic circles, among human rights activists, in the West.
It would be years, if ever, before she regained a modicum of respect in journalistic circles.
She soon became well known in journalistic and anti-colonial circles as a critical journalist.
Mr. Ofusa became a well-known figure in journalistic circles, with entree to political and business leaders.