The journalist, who preferred to remain anonymous, filed a complaint the following day with both he and the newspaper describing Sakho's attitude as "unprofessional".
This room was filled with long tables where journalists could set up their laptop computers, plug into telephone lines, and file their stories.
Our journalists file to the Web to keep us competitive on breaking news.
The two journalists filed a short story, which ran soon thereafter in Minneapolis-St.
The chief, Aleksei Miller, was ill, according to a dryly worded statement handed out today as journalists and shareholders filed into the polished stone-and-glass tower of Gazprom.
An analysis of the press coverage shows that American journalists filed straightforward, factual dispatches that prominently mentioned the role of Iran's Communists in street violence leading up to the coup.
Gonzalez and several other journalists would file civil lawsuits against both the LAPD and the city.
The journalist filed his report, and then went home.
Her name is Angela Cook, and she is what Jack calls a mojo, "a mobile journalist nimbly able to file from the field by any electronic means."
If someone were going to make "Almost Famous" for the current age, the young journalist on the rise would probably be filing hourly to a Web site his mom never heard of.