Joe Valiquette, a spokesman for the bureau, sounded irritated over the telephone that the journalist had chosen to go public.
Another journalist from the newspaper, Emilio Gutierrez also chose exile across the border.
Today's journalists can choose: Do they want merely to entertain the public or to engage it?
Before 1998, journalists and experts chose a "Dream Team" with outstanding players from each playing position.
Would be interesting to know how the journalist chose which self-published authors should be given free advertising by being featured in this article!
When journalists can pick and choose when to tell the truth, the public does not know when to believe them.
It is unfortunate that when public leaders speak out on serious issues, some journalists choose to attack the individual rather than examine his ideas.
And the evidence I have is what the journalists choose to put in their stories.
After admitting that he could neither read nor write music, he offered to compose a song on the spot to any title the journalists chose.
There is no consensus on the right choice, but, privately, journalists choose perseverance.