Some of the former, the captain Havadi in the lead, jostled forward to congratulate the young men.
Slowly they stood up and began to jostle forward, almost tripping over one another in their efforts to stay close together.
One of her tails switched the lead donkey's rump, and the queue jostled forward.
As one, we snatched up our cameras, jostled forward and took dozens of snaps of the cat.
Then, as the eager crowd jostled forward to witness what seemed an actual crisis, the masqueraders were separated by the swirl.
I was jostled forward and then sharply yanked back, face-to-face with an angry woman I didn't recognize.
They jostled forward, and their slight advance began to worry Corsi.
They watched the doorway, jostling and rushing forward, then backing, always facing the barrier across the open end of the barn.
As he was jostled forward - and for reasons he didn't know - the words of an extraordinary lawyer came back to him.
Meanwhile, along the road, rough battalions of replacements jostled forward, howling dully, ready without fear or hope to take their turn beneath the walls.