From 1934 to 1936 he was a young assistant to Einstein and jointly wrote several scientific papers with him.
The group had already jointly written several drafts of a screenplay.
These courses are written jointly by academic staff from several of the participating universities.
A 1939 paper written jointly with Edwards, concerning their findings, was among his last publications.
Some were also written jointly with other members of the Commerce panel, including Democrats.
In 1963 an instrumental version of a song they had jointly written, "Dance On!"
His first book, written jointly with Nathan Glazer, had come out earlier that year.
An earlier work on the same subject was written by her jointly with E. Polishchuk (1990).
The votes were split upon typical ideological lines, but, in an unusual move, the dissent was jointly written by two justices.
The few laws it has are in the migration contract, written by Ira and Lazarus jointly.