In addition, 47 states are jointly pursuing their own criminal and civil investigations of the matter.
The lead story is about a pair of thirty-eight-year-old Siamese twins who are jointly pursuing an anthropology major at UCLA.
It is a broad international consortium of scholars, jointly pursuing a wide number of different but complementary research objectives.
Hamlet has no sibling, wife or lieutenant jointly pursuing revenge with him: his reflective loneliness and his lyric status elicit his soliloquies.
In 1947, Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand signed an agreement to jointly pursue the gathering of intelligence.
I.B.M. and the Blockbuster Entertainment Corporation announced a partnership yesterday to jointly pursue this vision.
It added, "The Governor's descendants and Ambassador Harriman will jointly pursue claims made against other parties."
Stena, a Swedish concern, and Tiphook, a British company, jointly pursued Sea Containers through a ferry consortium they own together, called Temple Holdings Ltd.
In the open coordination which is a feature of the Lisbon process, we have found a way of jointly pursuing the development of employment in the Union.
Apple and I.B.M., for example, are jointly pursuing a competitor to Active-X, known as Open Doc.