They also participated jointly on radio interviews and in radio commercials.
The official marathon distance of 42.195 kilometers (26 miles 385 yards) is set up as a city-wide road race where professional athletes and amateur runners jointly participate.
The goal of this kind of software is to make it possible for widely dispersed people to participate jointly on a common problem.
JournoList member Jonathan Chait says that "the group as a whole did not jointly participate" in any particular discussion thread.
The school hopes to jointly participate in that conversion.
In one rare example, the three forces participated jointly in a major operation in Batdambang Province in early 1986.
Participate jointly in making decisions.
The multipartite model usually involves the government, statutory bodies and private companies jointly participating with the local farmers.
It is governance is developed as they are jointly participating in planning and implement the activities.
According to S.E.C. records, they transfer funds back and forth, and jointly participate in some deals.