The newspaper was started by six Boston businessmen, led by merchant Eben Dyer Jordan, who jointly invested $150,000.
The partners will jointly invest $40 million in building the plant, 50 percent of which will be owned by each company.
They jointly invested and managed new businesses.
Francis Tam, the head of Macao's bid committee, said the license holders would jointly invest at least $500 million.
Semi-public educational establishments: set up by the State on the basis of mobilizing organizations and individuals in the society to jointly invest in infrastructure.
That gives investors a chance to evaluate plans as a group, and sometimes to invest jointly to spread the risk.
The two companies worked and invested jointly in the development of UIQ.
Member States must invest jointly in the development of sustainable energy and energy efficiency. Something along the lines of the Airbus project.
This also means that we - the Member States and the European Union - must jointly invest more in education.
The two sides began as partners and are now fighting for control of the companies they jointly invested in.