He jointly delivered their Croonian lecture in 1904 and was awarded their Royal Medal in 1911 and their Copley Medal in 1919.
On November 15, 2005, the company signed an international pact with Vodafone to jointly deliver various international services.
Both the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue have involvement in jointly delivering the package.
Students at HEC Montreal and at EM Lyon can enroll in this 4-year program, delivered jointly by the two institutions.
The new systems will "jointly deliver exceptional computing value for home-office and education consumers," Ian Diery, AST's president and chief executive, said.
The most recent funding round also brought a strategic partnership between VMware and Puppet Labs to jointly deliver, market and sell products built for their mutual customers.
In 1999, the brothers returned to MIT to jointly deliver the commencement speech to that year's graduates.
The EIF programme works with six core partner agencies, which are responsible for jointly delivering development assistance in these three areas (see below).
It is an 11 to 18 comprehensive school, with a post 16 curriculum delivered jointly with its neighboring secondary school, Holy Trinity Church of England Senior School.
Several large scale mobile telephone industry companies are planning to jointly deliver a ubiquitous, interoperable presence enabled messaging service, built according to interoperability recommendations developed in the GSM Association.