The Institute also encourages research in interdisciplinary areas through a system of joint supervision and interdepartmental group activities.
Additional duties include appointment of various congressional officers, certain commissions, advisory boards, and committees and joint supervision of the congressional page school.
The foundation was chartered as a public institution under the joint supervision of the ministries of finance and public health.
Its conviction that Jerusalem should be an open city, under the joint supervision of the three religions.
There is a big playground beside Lake1 named Central Park under joint supervision of all cooperative societies of the township.
Facilities and equipment are shared in many cases, and PhD students in Linguistics have access to joint supervision.
Research projects under joint supervision can be arranged between the University and all of these Associated Institutions.
Opportunities for joint supervision with members of staff from these bodies are available when suitable candidates with appropriate research topics present themselves.
The newly created Republic of Kraków was a tiny state under a joint supervision of the three partitioning powers.
The remaining police forces come under the joint supervision of partially elected police authorities, the chief constable and the Home Secretary.