CEA later successfully negotiated for joint sponsorship of the event.
A district and town library is run in joint sponsorship with the district.
Q. And what are the prospects for a peace conference under joint U.S.-Soviet sponsorship?
This joint sponsorship allows students to work on some of the initial requirements before they choose a specific discipline to pursue.
Two annual workshops held in conjunction with SODA also have the same joint sponsorship:
The association would offer the networks not only a single voice but the economizing that comes from joint sponsorship of research projects, which can be expensive.
The first "Cherry Blossom Festival" was held in 1935 under joint sponsorship by numerous civic groups, becoming an annual event.
In late 2012, SOA announced its intention to end joint sponsorship beginning with tests administered in January 2014.
They may also receive CME credits for their educational events through a system of joint sponsorship.
Israel has insisted that unless Moscow resumes formal ties, it will not take part in the conference, which has joint American and Soviet sponsorship.