Every two years joint seminars are organised and legal issues linked to insurance are discussed by academics and professionals in the field.
She helped coordinate a recent all-day joint seminar including students from South Windsor High.
In 2000 they held a joint seminar on problems of philosophy, right, ethics, and politics at the University of Frankfurt.
Professor Bickel was Judge Bork's colleague at Yale, where they gave a joint seminar in constitutional law.
In fact, Minkowski seems responsible for most of Hilbert's physics investigations prior to 1912, including their joint seminar in the subject in 1905.
It has existed since 1980 as a regular joint seminar in Combinatorics for the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen and Strasbourg.
The partnerships provide for student and faculty exchange, joint seminars, and collaborative research.
Ukraine and NATO still hold joint seminars and joint tactical and strategical exercises.
Once a year, they get together with the New York group for a joint week-long seminar.
The CeNS network promotes the mutual understanding and the collaboration between these disciplines by joint seminars, workshops, and schools.