A large proportion of the Army would be wiped out during the joint Anglo-French offensive on the Somme.
Mid-May - Indian troops cooperate with their Myanmar counterparts in a joint offensive along their common border.
The goal was a joint offensive against the province, with the quickly advancing forces of Lamadrid.
During this visit, it was decided that the Kandy troops and Dutch forces would launch a joint offensive on the Portuguese.
But in fact, the air campaign was successful because a joint offensive by Bosnian Muslim and Croatian forces changed the equation on the ground.
Germans and Finns did work closely together during Operation Silverfox, a joint offensive against Murmansk.
A joint offensive by troops of the Republican Guard and the Peruvian Army followed.
The joint offensive in the Chora and Baluchi areas was deemed a great success by the Dutch.
This made any joint German-Japanese offensive against British positions in the Middle East impossible.
Croatian and Bosnian army start a joint offensive against Republika Srpska.