In addition, joint political institutions would be established to administer these economic arrangements.
In addition, the elections will lead to the establishment of joint institutions in which all three communities are committed to participate.
"You have established the joint institutions of democracy," he said.
"I don't see how these joint institutions will be physically constituted or installed," said a senior United Nations official.
Western officials contend that the elections, however flawed, would begin to build joint federal institutions in Bosnia.
Number one, are the joint institutions strong enough to be self- sustaining after the military operation?
It asserted that such a triumph would "signal the death of joint institutions" in Bosnia.
This is a long-term task, and progress in its performance is discussed within the joint institutions.
Issues which once led to wars are now argued out in joint institutions, then differences are set aside and work is resumed.
If the joint institutions do not begin to function, the Bosnian Muslims might decide to simply go it alone.