Lavoisier also did early research in physical chemistry and thermodynamics in joint experiments with Laplace.
They spent 14 days carrying out a program of joint Soviet-French experiments before returning to Earth.
The joint experiment conducted that summer did not live up to U.S. hopes, but Washington persisted in its approach.
The joint experiments are scheduled to take place this summer, possibly in July, officials said.
During nearly 2 days of joint activities, the five men carried out five joint experiments.
Third, the Russians agreed to conduct a joint experiment in which a chemical explosion would help calibrate the monitors.
The crew performed a joint experiment with scientists on the ground, using their Yelena-F gamma ray telescope.
Another person with no access to secrets went to China to participate in joint meteorological experiments.
We agreed to conduct a joint experiment that would allow us to develop effective ways to verify limits on nuclear testing.
Our scientists are installing the equipment for our joint experiment to verify limits on nuclear testing.