The joint expedition was in the works before Austin appeared on the scene.
This joint expedition isn't going to leave Triland for another five or ten years, right?
But it had been accepted from the start, without the need for discussion, that this would be a joint expedition.
The two gangs decide to embark on a joint expedition.
In the same year he took part in a joint expedition with the young king to Brandenburg.
From the outset, the joint expedition that was now planned should not be a purely military affair.
Hume thought that Hovell tried to claim all the credit for their joint expedition.
All indications are that no mere manoeuvre is involved but rather a joint expedition against a common enemy.
For many of them, this will also be, if not the dissolution of the friendship, certainly the last joint expedition.
Two separate times the government of both countries sent a joint expedition to the area to restore order.