The joint Franco-German brigade (which started operations in October 1990 - see p. 38507) would be the core of a future European defence force, reportedly numbering up to 100,000, which could operate within the NATO arena.
One of the first tasks of the defense council, which will have its headquarters in Paris, will be bringing together the 4,200-member joint brigade by next autumn.
The countries formed a joint brigade in 1989, which was followed in 1992 by the establishment of Eurocorps, an expanded force that includes troops from Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg.
The French-German idea is to enlarge their existing joint military brigade as a step toward creating a separate West European army.
The two countries said they would bolster an existing joint brigade of 5,000 members as a step toward giving the region an independent defense capability.
He says he thoroughly approves of the joint maneuevers carried out by France and Germany and of their joint brigade.
The establishment with France of a joint military council and a joint brigade, to be stationed in West Germany under rotating command, has been a source of some irritation and befuddlement, especially in Britain.
The agreement, to set up a joint brigade to disarm groups involved in clashes, appeared to have boosted the position of Mr. Yeltsin, the main rival of President Mikhail S. Gorbachev.
It has also persuaded Germany to beef up an existing joint military brigade in the hope that in time it will form the core of a new European army.
Progress on Joint Brigade The leaders also reported some progress on the idea of a joint military brigade, first suggested in June by Mr. Kohl.