Ethan later joined Wonder Man's team of Revengers, under the name "Virtue."
He joined the Marines in 1972 under the name of Daniel Marlow, and early on left with a dishonorable discharge.
Let our offspring not go against each other but let us join together under the name of solar Gui family.
The club for the 1962-63 season then joined the Parthenon League, now under the name of Westfield and became runners-up at the first attempt.
Since the decentralisation of 2000 these three old communities were joined under the name of Bezali, an acronym used by the media.
Scrap-Iron joins this team under the name of "Mech".
All then joined under the same name of St Peter's.
To save the alien, the five tailed fox takes on the form of a human girl, and joins the school under the name of Yobi.
In 1964, the separate municipalities joined under the name of the Wilson School District.
The two parishes were joined as one commune in 1823 under the name of Notre-Dame-de-Gravenchon.