As the dollar continues to weaken, American investors are joining their overseas counterparts in debt markets denominated in foreign currencies.
The rest joined their unmounted counterparts.
This afternoon, Mr. Bush joined his counterparts for the opening session of the seven-nation summit meeting.
Juveniles are efficient at foraging; they join their adult counterparts aged as young as four weeks.
Eventually rising to the top job in 1976, he joined his counterparts in other states in several national antitrust actions.
Around this time, many of the smaller community schools were consolidated or abolished, sending students to join their counterparts at Belgreen.
With the addition of Lo, the show has joined its international counterparts in being tri-anchored.
But this winter, many Mills students on this graceful, wooded campus have joined their counterparts at other women's colleges in wearing an unofficial one.
By July of 1279, many of the troops from the ships abandoned the fleet and joined their counterparts on the ground in the hopes of better care.
The codification of ballet steps made bodies look so weightless that they seemed poised to join their painted counterparts in Tiepolo's blue skies.