They joined millions of people across the Indian subcontinent who regularly tuned in to these broadcasts.
Her family joined millions of others in becoming boat people when she was five, coming to California in 1981.
They are joining millions who have already fled, victims of 22 years of war and drought.
Saving Energy - Lose Your Excuse - Activites and information you need to join millions of kids who are using energy wisely.
He joined millions of Americans to fight a world war that would decide the fate of humanity.
Over the weekend, I joined President Obama and millions of Americans, who participated in the second annual Small Business Saturday.
He and his wife and children joined millions who did not cast ballots in the February elections for municipal councils.
In 1998, more than 1.2 million Americans will be newly diagnosed with cancers, joining millions of others struggling with the disease.
When the agreement had been signed, Vincent joined millions of fans in celebrating the result that insured the completeness of the season.
Join millions of kids who are using energy wisely.