He began taking private voice lessons after joining his high school's glee club during his senior year.
He joined three scientific expeditions during his last year at university.
Sorkin first joined The New York Times as a student intern during his senior year in high school.
He was tutored by John McCrady, and joined the faculty as an assistant instructor during his second year at the school.
Yasen also joined the Purdue women's basketball program, as a starter, during her final year of eligibility.
He joined the JCP during his first year at the University and became an active participant in the party's student wing.
Frederick Clarke Withers (1828-1901) joined the firm during its second year.
Believing in the value of physical conditioning and discipline, he joined the wrestling team during his first year.
Sone joined the Big Brother Mouse staff during its first year, when he was 16.
A brilliant student, he joined the rebels during his third year in medical school.