Instead the United States will join other countries in providing regular medical care.
Members of the public, doctors, and scientists called for the United States to join other countries in a ban on the product.
Most of these have either become independent, by joining neighbouring independent countries, or assimilated into the conquering state.
Portugal also joined other "neutral" countries in the efforts made to save Hungarian Jews.
If we don't join other countries in fighting global change, Floridians will have to cope with far worse disasters in the future.
Germany and Japan slipped into recession in 1992, joining Britain and other countries whose growth has lagged.
Suppose they finally demanded to join some Latin country or countries.
So is the Clinton Administration's decision, announced last week, to join other industrial countries in supplying an additional $10 billion in emergency aid to Korea.
They would not join other countries, but they would have other nations turning to them.
Luckily for the planet, he was overruled; the United States joined other countries in curbing production of ozone-depleting chemicals.