In the early 1930's, during the Depression, he left his college studies to mobilize jobless youths in Ohio.
Many of those bored and jobless youths find solace in religion, creating a huge pool of potential militants.
It comes from frustrated, claustrophobic, jobless Saudi youth and a voiceless middle class that resents the excesses of the ruling family.
As a jobless youth Sibiya wanders the city of Durban and reaches the segregated beach.
But Mrs. Mandela remains popular among militant, jobless black youth who are unhappy to see the Congress talk to the Government.
The president has failed to address unrelenting college tuition hikes and the concerns of jobless youth.
Some point specifically to unrelenting tuition hikes and jobless or homeless youth.
They had turned to drugs, they said, like many jobless youths.
Rumors have circulated of jobless youths hired as mercenaries by sinister paymasters to provoke political strife, though no conclusive evidence has been offered so far.
Yet the jobless black youths simply did not turn up to take them.