He is a job killer, all for Amnesty, taking over banks & Auto industry.
"This guy is a job killer," he told supporters in Seattle this week.
I see bandwidth caps as a "job killer" tm and will so report to my congressman and senators.
Tax cuts are job killers, government spending threatens us with socialism, etc.
Updates on the "job killers" appear on its website.
And, Ms. Wright's enthusiasm notwithstanding, the culture shock can be a job killer.
Predictably, the Republicans said my economic plan would cause the sky to fall in, calling it a "job killer" and a "one-way ticket to recession."
While I'm in favor of net neutrality, the health-care bill, and many other things labeled "job killers" when they really aren't.
This will be a job killer like no other, and goes too far too fast.
It will be a job killer.