That kind of pressure, multiplied across corporate America, could result in job cutbacks and slower economic growth.
Even yesterday, all of the job cutbacks announced were voluntary.
Without some additional changes, the chances are that job cutbacks will not be enough to turn things around.
The fourth-quarter 1985 results reserved $13 million for job cutbacks.
The new job cutbacks would be the second big reduction in the work force in two years.
Merrill's lack of interest is apparently related to the concern's sharp job cutbacks in the last two years, when 6,000 people lost their jobs.
Officials for the company, however, said that the final figure on job cutbacks could be slightly lower or slightly higher than 1,000.
The flood of job cutbacks has slowed to a trickle.
With lower seniority, blacks were the first to be laid off in job cutbacks after the war.
The company began job cutbacks and plant closings in those countries a year ago.