The more volatile the market, "the more jittery investors get," he said.
After weeks of seesaw trading, jittery investors pushed prices higher for the second consecutive session.
Some industry experts expect withdrawals despite managers' efforts to calm jittery investors.
The recent tension has posed a threat to the economy, which is heavily dependent on foreign investors already jittery about political unrest.
Action, on the other hand, might scare jittery investors and bring on a crash.
So, jittery investors may ask: Are these prices as good as they seem?
But many Western investment bankers assert that the fund does not appreciate just how jittery investors are.
Still, the report shook investors already jittery about inflation.
In the weeks after Sept. 11, some financial companies that expected a high volume of calls from jittery investors didn't receive many at all.
After the board meeting this evening, Vivendi issued a statement aimed at reassuring jittery investors.