"They look great, but the lighting is not very good," said Ayala Naphtali, a jewelry vendor with a booth there.
The store was begun by Huey John Wilson in 1947 as a jewelry vendor in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
The outdoor summer market features food, produce, craft, woodworking, flower, baked goods, local meat and jewelry vendors.
Abdul Faruk, fifty-two, is a jewelry vendor.
I saw a familiar face in particular at one of the jewelry vendors' tables.
At times the concert seemed a lot more like a street fair, and not just because of the jewelry vendors and ever present aroma of Italian sausages.
When the jewelry vendors returned to New York from California a year later, the police put Carlos in a lineup.
AT the schoolyard flea market on Columbus Avenue yesterday, one jewelry vendor was talking to another.
"I was visiting jewelry vendors around the world 38 years ago," said Mrs. Fortunoff.
But people were still talking about what a jewelry vendor called "black Thursday."