The city also has a jewelry district, a food-distribution district and a historic district.
Until the early 20th century Maiden Lane was the center of the jewelry district, which relocated on West 47th Street.
The jewelry district is being revitalized.
They have given the jewelry district not only a new life but also a new artsy identity.
Indeed, there are now more than 15 restaurants, bars and nightclubs in the jewelry district when a decade ago there were 2 or 3.
Office space in the jewelry district costs $16 to $17 a square foot, compared with $18 to $28 in the city's financial district.
At that time, the few people who moved to the jewelry district were considered urban pioneers.
Many of the suspects were arrested last month in raids on the jewelry district in downtown Los Angeles.
It is where a variety of jeweled products are sold and is one of the three jewelry districts in the United States.
While searching Manteau's apartment, he sees on the television that Abyss is attacking in the jewelry district.