The Mahina Lounge consists of a small café, a jewelry boutique, and a souvenir shop.
Later they might spend time in the fitness center or wander through the cosmetics and jewelry boutiques.
Are all of the amenities - the valet parking, the cafe, the jewelry boutique and the holiday parties - necessary to get her business?
They sell in numerous jewelry boutiques around the world and also at their flagship store in Los Angeles, California.
Now that the old downtown has reopened to traffic, it is drawing new businesses, such as children's stores, a jewelry boutique and restaurants.
Novice that I was, I had positioned myself outside Dior's jewelry boutique.
This tiny jewelry boutique delivers, offering up exquisite things with sterling silver and gemstones.
She dreams of owning a jewelry boutique.
At Fragments, a jewelry boutique, a customer can sit at a vanity and try on sundry baubles.
Unlike some jewelry boutiques, which have tiny display windows and keep their interiors hidden, this store is an open, transparent invitation to shop.