Driven by Sputnik The boy showed a love of things mechanical, building model airplanes, rockets and jet-powered cars.
But now, thanks to the new supersonic jet-powered car, which on Oct. 15 set a land speed record of 763.035 miles an hour, that trip will take a scant 3 minutes and 56 seconds.
In 1962, Arfons began experimenting with jet-powered cars, where his innate mechanical skills proved tremendously useful.
An effort to recapture the world land speed record ended abruptly today when a jet-powered car driven by Craig Breedlove veered out of control in a high-speed run and was damaged.
Mr. Noble also has built a jet-powered car, the Thrust SSC, which is about to begin test runs in Jordan and which he hopes will be the next record holder.
McGlashan attempts to set the record in his jet-powered car, Aussie Invader II.
Besides these two machines, Berger's other inventions were a jet-powered car, and numerous other helicopter designs.
An international race to break the land speed record this year has apparently ended with the withdrawal of the last major contender from competition, a jet-powered British car called the Thrust SSC.
Rocket cars differ from jet-powered cars in that they carry both fuel and oxidizer on board, eliminating the need for an air inlet and compressor which add weight and increase drag.
The 44-year-old created the jet-powered car with his wife Therese, 29 and their team at Indy Boys Inc.