As they do every week, the Jets are traveling for their next game.
But jets don't travel four miles a second, nor at a hundred and twenty thousand feet.
From the rate at which the jets were traveling and the distance they had covered, the explosion must have taken place about 1,500,000 years before.
As a result, the nation's 5,000 or so private jets that offer charter flights travel empty 40 percent of the time.
At roughly 600 miles an hour, a jet travels 5 1/4 million miles a year.
And four minutes later the Jets had traveled 43 yards the other way for a touchdown and a 17-3 lead.
Two miles behind it a jet of white steam was travelling from the left to the right of the picture.
But the jet in the crash last year was traveling much faster - about 126 m.p.h., investigators said.
A jet-year is just what it sounds like: the distance a jet travels in one year, flying nonstop.
The running-game woes are compounded by the distance the Jets must travel merely to get in field- goal range.