He was to be flown to London, where his wife and five children live, on a private jet chartered by ABC.
Mr. Sununu was then driven to an airport, and from there he flew back to Washington on a jet chartered by a New Jersey financial services conglomerate.
He was then whisked off to a private jet chartered by Stern for a flight to his hideaway.
He flew home in a jet chartered by the football team.
In addition, jets chartered by a tour company (Sportours, 800-423-7243) will begin Dec. 19 to fly on Saturdays between Los Angeles and Vail.
Billed as "the greatest party of all time," the event had about 300 guests, many of whom arrived in jets chartered from Paris and New York.
It said the Clinton Administration could have challenged the order by allowing the journalists to board the jet chartered by the White House for news organizations covering the visit.
Several days later, on a private jet chartered by the Lions, he and his parents returned to Texas.
(The jet, chartered by TCS Expeditions of Seattle, then continues on a 24-day globe-circling excursion.)
Kim arrived in the country on a private jet chartered by the Japanese government, and was ushered into a car shielded by large umbrellas.