The long white beam jerked downward, but could not point at a small enough angle to reach the imperturbable gunner.
The rod immediately jerked downward, thumping in time to the head shakes of a nice perch.
The belt cut into his midsection as the nose of the cab jerked downward.
Dean lifted his boots off the floor and jerked downward with his full weight.
His eyes jerked downward again and he saw a young boy running across the road toward him, muscular legs pumping.
The Tomcat jerked downward, then shot down the deck.
With all his remaining strength he jerked downward.
He reached up, found the hanging cord of the first sixty-watt bulb inside the entrance and jerked downward.
Since the creature had been pulling so hard, abruptly losing its hold caused it to jerk downward.
I took a deep breath, placed my finger against the point, and jerked downward.