The jealous sisters can't wait for the successful wedding and the chance to stick their own large feet into the shoe that's several sizes too small.
The ugly duckling became the swan despite, we are told, the formidable hurdles of a pushy mother and a jealous sister.
Our Baby Brother - problems with a newborn brother and his jealous sister.
Maria reluctantly backed away from her jealous sister, relinquishing her spot.
The villains are overwhelmingly the heroine's jealous sisters, or her mother-in-law, rather than a rival as in this tale.
This makes Bob's sister very jealous.
Her jealous sisters tell her it is time to honor their mother with a memorial, or to rebury her.
He supported his father and his sharp-tongued jealous sister, Katya.
Act one: Psyche's jealous sisters attempt to attract the attention of her two most recent suitors, without success.
His character gets discovered as a singer, and helps a woman protect her business from her jealous, conniving elder sister.