In the purely jazz setting, we happily accept the long stretches of tedium for the sudden rushes of illumination that interrupt them.
A version has been arranged for the carillon on Clemson's campus, an instrument almost never used in a jazz setting.
In a jazz setting, the electric bass tends to have a much more expansive solo role than in most popular styles.
After Yale University, he moved to New York City and began playing in various jazz settings.
An interesting detail though, is that Sun Ra plays the harpsichord, an instrument rarely used in a jazz setting.
I feel much more comfortable there than in a jazz setting.
However, this generally interesting set is still worth exploring; it was good to hear Lalo Schifrin in a jazz setting again".
After the 1920s he rarely performed in jazz settings, spending more time as a studio and orchestra musician.
This is the main purpose for the utilization of the microphone to amplify the flutes sound in a jazz setting.
And in a pure jazz setting, he brings some of that squall to his performances.