As Moore put it, Wind, himself a jazz buff, must have "unfortunately bogeyed his mind, 26 years later".
Don't just include music from the 30s and 40s - some residents may like light classical or early music, others may be jazz buffs.
You don't have to be a jazz buff to savor this book - but you may be one when you're done.
Sometimes it taught her French, sometimes the updated slangs of jazz buffs and soccer jocks.
But jazz buffs proved them wrong.
While he lay in bed for months, a friend played jazz records, slowly transforming a Guy Lombardo fan into a jazz buff.
Pop music fans have a greater tolerance for this than jazz buffs, he said.
Since then, Durban has become a mecca for jazz buffs.
For star-struck jazz buffs, cruises offer a chance to hear and even meet favorite musicians in congenial surroundings.
"He was a huge jazz buff and I loved jazz music," says Harris.