Sooner or later, people meet up with a jarring reminder that they are not as young as they think.
That effort serves as a jarring reminder of another unfortunate chapter in Orange's recent past: the eight-year tenure of Mayor Robert Brown, whose final term ended in disgrace.
It was a jarring reminder of the limits of training, knowledge, patience, of love itself.
We don't get the jarring reminder of something we ought to have known all along: Molly is a witch, and witches have strange powers.
When you use the Z5, you get some jarring reminders that three different cooks were at work.
But the news this week of an elementary experiment in human cloning should be a jarring reminder that science-fiction fantasies - or nightmares - cannot be shoved into an indefinite future.
But after that jarring reminder, he had finally learned his lesson.
But it was still a jarring reminder of the ominous undercurrents in this campaign.
She closed the locker and the clang was a jarring reminder of the world she was about to enter: a place where doors slammed shut, where lives were trapped in boxes.
There, far beyond pilings crowned with cormorants, the Brooklyn skyline shimmered, a jarring reminder that there was a rest of the city.