Yet even here there is evidence of the jarring changes that have yanked a once-parochial British car industry into the modern age.
But the welcome seems halfhearted; schmaltz, not rock, was the official musical choice, offering reassurance rather than any jarring change.
Communism's big mistake was in joining the world economy without knowing how to cope with these constant jarring changes.
Many are unemployed and come from families whose lives have been thrown into upheaval by the jarring changes that have followed German unification.
One way for Kwan to prod her waning passion with the Olympics less than four months away was to make a jarring change.
It was elegant for its period, but a jarring change for those who knew the old store.
The arrival of the Cup coincides with another jarring change.
Richfield has been through the jarring change already.
"We didn't understand in the beginning what a jarring change it meant," she said.
Next comes a more jarring change, a suite of de Chiricos, pushed nearly a dozen galleries forward from where they had hung.