One of the big winners under the set-aside program has been a janitorial business, Windy City Maintenance, which lists its chief as Patricia Green.
He continues to run a janitorial business in Des Moines with his wife.
Left behind were the friends and neighbors of the 55-year-old retiree, who was forced to abandon a janitorial business because of a heart condition.
His mother, Purcella, died of ovarian cancer on January 8, 2010, and Chisolm considered leaving school to help his father run the family's janitorial business.
In both, he is accused of using his influence as a public official to win a $750,000 contract for his janitorial business and to attempt to win a $1.5 million contract from a developer doing business with the sports authority.
Their mother founded and supervised a janitorial business in Dyersburg, for which both Gaines and his brother worked.
Uncle George has promised to make Carl's father a partner in his janitorial business, but takes advantage of the newcomer by using him only as a night laborer.
So he sold copiers part time and worked at a small moving company, learning the janitorial business by cleaning buildings at night.
He earned his living from the janitorial business before his retirement in 1989.
He also programmed and played keyboards in a band, and had a gig as a night-club d.j.; sometimes, between technology jobs, he worked in his adoptive parents' janitorial business.