At the time of the freeze- up, a jam had occurred at this point, and cakes of ice were up-ended in snow-covered confusion.
The error accumulates with each page printed, and eventually the paper is entering the mechanism so late that the printer believes that a jam has occurred.
The first jam, Romney said, occurred after a parking lot became filled and the approach road from a freeway became filled with more cars.
A jam occurred in the doorway.
If a jam occurs in the auger, this pin will break, averting damage to the auger drive gears.
These jams occur frequently at most Lindy Hop events.
But even though scientists have simulated the motion of every single grain on a supercomputer, no one has shed much conceptual light on the chances a jam will occur.
No jams ever have occurred.
At the appearance of "When You're In", an extended jam similar to "Echoes" occurs.
If, like ants, every human driver were a little more courteous, leaving a greater distance between himself and the car in front, most traffic experts believe fewer jams would occur.