The follow jam by Ham shattered the backboard, caused a 29-minute delay in the East Regional game and seemed to shift the emotional tide.
On the Chatanika River, a jam caused a flood that threatened several homes before the ice broke loose and caused water levels to drop.
These jams caused the snowmelt-bolstered river to flood areas around both villages, forcing residents to take action.
The jams caused flooding that forced more than 120 people from their homes at a trailer park.
Log jams also cause shifts in stream flow.
Though dazed, he jams his final pipe bomb into its abdomen, causing an explosion which severely damages it, but Kyle himself is killed and Sarah is injured by a piece of shrapnel.
The jam caused the river to rise more than usual, sending the record flood to Grand Forks.
The resulting jam of cars caused Olivier Panis to hit the back of Pierluigi Martini, and slide into the gravel on the outside of the corner.
Businesses fear delays in the delivery of everything from bread to blood, taxi drivers worry the jams will cause a four-fold increase in fares, residents are concerned about curtailed access, and parents worry for increased risks to children caused by roads becoming rat-runs as commuters flee the ORN.
After a disastrous jam on Columbus Day weekend caused a 12-mile backup, Maryland officials are waging an all-out campaign to reduce congestion on the Bay Bridge this summer.