In the past, the group's officials have said that the release of jailed leaders was the act that would begin a political process leading to negotiations.
The most renowned of its jailed leaders, Nelson Mandela, has continued serving the life sentence imposed on him in 1964, along with others among the seven veterans now in Lusaka.
Shortly after taking power, the king freed its jailed leader, Sheik Abdel Yassine, after 10 years of house arrest.
Yet others called for the resignation of Mr. Yeltsin, or hailed the jailed leaders of the abortive hard-line coup in August.
He also offered for the first time to let the insurgents meet their jailed leader, Foday Sankoh.
A senior Administration official said the two leaders had discussed the importance of obtaining the release of Nelson Mandela, the jailed leader of the African National Congress.
Habib Ashour, the jailed leader of the labor movement, 75 years old and suffering from diabetes and failing vision, was transferred from a prison hospital to house arrest.
In harshly repressive conditions, this committee organized a resistance to the persecution of the POUM and an international campaign supporting Nin and other jailed leaders.
Teacher and Helen had sent money to the jailed leaders.
Algeria Talks With Militants Algeria has begun secret peace talks with jailed leaders of the fundamentalist opposition, officials said.