The nation's prison and jail population rose again last year, to 2,166,260, a record.
There he will be separated from the general jail population.
For his own protection, he was in an area apart from the rest of the jail population.
The plan, he said, is to try to stay ahead before the next surge in the jail population.
The current jail population is 310, down from 358 but more than twice what the structure was built for.
He noted that the city's average daily jail population now is about 22,000, double the number six years ago.
And the city's jail population has remained over capacity throughout the summer.
The city's jail population, which has nearly doubled in the last five years, is expected to continue growing.
How would he deal with a Federal court order limiting the jail population?
The city's jail population stands at more than 22,000, or 103 percent of capacity; the figure could reach 24,000 by fall.